2024 Australian Sheep & Wool Show

Merino Ram Sale

When : Sunday 21st July 2024 @ 1pm
Where : At the Bendigo Showgrounds, interfaced with AuctionsPlus

For all enquiries please contact Kelly Ternouth (VSMSBA)

Phone: 0408 509 160 or Email: events@merinovictoria.com

To view the 2024 Ram Sale Results click here

To view the Lots on Auctions Plus click here

To view the PDF of the Catalogue click here

2024 Ram Sale Entry Docs/Forms
Ram Sale Invite - click here
Selling Regulations & Conditions of Entry - click here
Ram Sale Entry Form - click here
Ram Sale Catalogue Details form - click here


Ram Sale Letter of Invitation to Vendors

Download here.

Ram Sale Entry Form

Download here.

Ram Sale Vendor Form

Download here.

Catalogue Details Form

Download here.

2023 Ram Sale

Past Results